These project examples give a snapshot of the services NIXE can provide for you. NIXE brings the expertise of Principal Consultant Kajsa Van de Riet who has worked collaboratively to complete aquatic resource projects and strategic planning at scales ranging from a reach to a watershed, subbasin, and basin. NIXE will also provide assistance with communications and group facilitation to navigate conflict and complex issues.
These examples highlight Kajsa's experience over more than 20 years, including previous employment. Each project has been a team effort with clients, landowners, colleagues, contractors, funders, and other partners.
Complex intergovernmental NRDAR program to plan and implement restoration of metals-contaminated Coeur d’Alene Basin.
A collaborative approach to restoring a dredge-mined watershed to benefit native trout.
Updated comprehensive assessment of metals in water and sediments to inform restoration planning.
Evaluating the effectiveness of subbasin-scale restoration in forested watersheds and documenting success in meeting Clean Water Act goals.
Using macroinvertebrates, fish, and physical metrics to evaluate habitat conditions and water quality.
Working with groups through challenge, complexity, and conflict.
Putting the pieces together to assess and prioritize aquatic organism passage in a complex subbasin.
Assessing large datasets and developing shade targets for 895 miles of temperature-impaired streams.
Successful evaluation of bioassessment and shade data to document natural background and attainment of temperature water quality standards.
Cooperative study of fish tissue metals concentrations that led to updated fish consumption advisories for protection of human health.
Watershed assessment across land ownerships to develop and prioritize actions for improving conditions including priority road segments, stream crossings, and impacts from historic human activities.
Simple and effective strategy for rapid response to reported harmful algal blooms and to inform the public of potential risks.
Comprehensive cooperative plan developed by diverse stakeholders to deal with the effects of intense recreation pressures in river corridor.
Sharing the scientific information generated by a national fish health research initiative.